August 01, 2010


Who doesn't love music. As someone who's main passion is dance, they go hand in hand. I am often drawn towards music that I think would suit choreography so I like certain Soundtracks. The modern day classical composers. One of my favourite Composers is Hans Zimmer. He has such a broad range. He doesn't seem to get stuck in a rut. I love that. This soundtrack is from the fantastically fun new Sherlock Holmes movie with the gorgeous Robert Downey Jnr. It's called Discombobulate.

And here's another Composer well worth listening to, suggested by . It's James Newton Howard who did the score for movies like The Village, King Kong I could easily listen to this while working on my jewellery.


Kim Caro said...

my fiance is also into soundtracks. he is a music writer. i always pretend i am his music video producer and tell him what i think every songs video idea. a few have really cool dancers at random times. i;d love to turn this dream into reality for at least one song.

Kathleen said...

Fantastic! Its amazing how sound can create a story. Like you just know that the Bolero sounds like a gathering army. Good luck with your collaboration. Maybe you will post teasers on YouTube.

paperbella said...

I enjoyed listening to that! I thought that it fitted in very nicely with the film too.

Kathleen said...

Yes. Perfectly. The music can really make or break a film.

Bright Circle said...

Ahhh, another soundtrack aficionado! Hans Zimmer is excellent. A couple of my favourites include James Newton Howard and Howard Shore.
The Sherlock Holmes soundtrack was simply perfect for the movie--quirky, dramatic and oddly intimate.

Kathleen said...

I couldn't think who James Newton Howard was so I YouTubed him and I agree! Beautiful soulful music, especially the Village (one of my sister's favourite films).

Linking so I can come back to it to listen again.

Kathleen said...

What a dodo bird, lol, I should link to my main page.