Do you do home parties to sell your craft? My sister hosted a party for me yesterday, asked all the primary school mums to come along, 8 confirmed 5 turned up. Not bad. I've done parties before where 20 people were invited and not one person turned up, the sound of crickets was deafening.
I've altered the way I set up a party now because as someone who doesn't actually like attending them (over Tupperware, Nutri-Metrics etc), I tried making it easier to attend. Making it open house between the hours of say 2pm to 4pm, so people can turn up within that time frame, more flexibility and they don't have to listen to a loooonnnng introduction spiel. Handing out business cards so that they can view my shop prior to coming.
Now though, I'm thinking up a new plan and that is to do a home party where the host doesn't have to go to the trouble of preparing nibblies and clearing a space for my jewellery. They still get the benefits you would if you held a party at your house but they can ask, for example, 10 friends to have a look at my website and let her know if they would be interested in buying. The hostess then would get 10% of every $100 sold plus an initial $20 worth of jewellery (on the proviso that there are at least a certain amount in sales reached). Does that make sense? Still mulling it over in my head.